Read my previous post entitled The Enneagram for an overview (even if you are already familiar with the Enneagram).
Enneagram 7s are known as the Optimist, the Enthusiast, the Adventurer, and the Dreamer. They are motivated by their desire to be satisfied, to be content, to be happy, to be unrestrained, and to be free. They are known for their spontaneity and playfulness.
Enneagram 7s are fun people who stay positive and look on the bright side. They tend to be funny and seek pleasure above all else. An Enneagram 7 may describe themselves as a people person. They tend to make friends easily and often have an infectious positive energy. However, they do not have to be extroverted; they can be introverted and can be just as happy alone as with others.
Enneagram 7s are often curious and entrepreneurial, seeing possibilities that others do not. They tend to be strategic and clever with brilliant minds, especially with brainstorming for new ideas. They often move from one thing to another quickly. With this comes an impaired ability to focus on the present. They may need to slow down their pace so that others can catch up.
Enneagram 7s often have multiple projects simultaneously because they need constant mental stimulation, which they sometimes use as a defense mechanism to ignore difficulties. They may remove themselves from negativity instead of confronting challenges. A 7 may feel trapped or sad when they do not have freedom. They may also have trouble with commitment.
They move to the space of Enneagram 1 in stress and Enneagram 5 in security.
Situations in which they cannot be themselves can be stressful. They are brought back down to the present when something demands their attention. Anything that takes 7s away from all the fun they are having can be a stressor. Luckily, they take the characteristics of 1s to do something well with attention to detail and self-control. Many 7s love this move if they activate the beneficial side of 1. Otherwise, they can obsess about not doing tasks right and become hard on themselves, which seems the opposite of how they usually function.
7s enter growth and security when they are allowed to bloom and receive appreciation for who they are instead of the positivity they are expected to have. They enter the space of 5, which may not make sense on the surface. 7s and 5s are deep thinkers in the head center, but the difference lies in the goal of thinking. While 7s think about what pleasure they can add to their lives and others, 5s will think about knowledge and security. 7s can tap into this new way of thinking. They become more reflective on the past and have concrete ideas instead of loftier ideas with dreaming quality. They also have a better connection to the natural world and have a calmer presence.
7s only partially connect with emotions since 1 and 5 are not necessarily feeling numbers. Neither offers an intuitive interpersonal feeling space (since neither is in the heart triad), so 7s must work on guided thinking about their feelings. Otherwise, 7s with trauma that positivity cannot fix can flip the switch and find themselves on the other extreme of negativity with hopelessness.
7s do not have to be their bubbly selves all the time. However, others start to expect that from them, and they receive positive reinforcement from that. Therefore, 7s can feel bad when they cannot be their happy selves, as if they are letting others down, leading to a feedback loop of more reframing and pushing feelings to the side. However, 7s are not happy 100% of the time, and there can be deeper feelings beneath the surface that they are not sharing with the world.
Takeaway: 7s seek to attain the pleasures of the world and live in positivity, using thinking as their primary tool in the world.
Room for growth: Listen to others. Place yourself in their shoes and realize where they are coming from. Be open to constructive feedback. Be willing to learn, especially from other numbers. Finish what you start. Avoid being distracted. Recognize compulsions. Focus on one task at a time. Commit to relationships to get the best out of those relationships, even with coworkers. Strive to pay attention to the present moment.
The vice of the Enneagram 7 is gluttony. They want to indulge and sample everything life has to offer without limitations. They constantly look for more and may jump from one experience to another. When Enneagram 7s work on personal growth, they can obtain sobriety. They become more grounded and undistracted at the moment. They will be more in touch with themselves and what is in front of them, allowing them to experience their lives. Instead of chasing after the next exciting thing, they can find pleasure and gratitude in where they are.
The Enneagram 7 is the monkey of the Enneagram because they are always searching for new adventures. They are also compared to butterflies.

Share this post with the 7s in your life! If you think you are a 7, share this with everyone you know so they can understand your unique view of the world!